Release discomfort and pain by balancing your body and mind. Feel rejuvenated, aligned, strong and free.
Have you been to the doctor? Tried other treatments, but nothing works?
Somatic Coaching, using the Grinberg Method®, is effective in helping bring profound change and relief from symptoms such as back and neck pain, joint pain, IBS, stress and anxiety, injury or trauma. Using touch and specific pressure points, alongside breathing and awareness, deep patterns of historic tension can be released; regaining a sense of freedom and flow. Achieve a body of life, love and leadership.
Naomi has been working as a Somatic Coach since 2011 at 1 Harley Street, Mayfair, London, and the private members South Kensington Club.
Click below to find out more.

人 hito is the Japanese symbol for human being. It represents two elements leaning into one another, showing relating as a fundamental experience of being human; relating to yourself, to others, and to the world.
“Working with Naomi changed my life - it is that simple. She helped me to get to the core of issues that had been holding me in old patterns. It was very deep work, physically and psychologically, and Naomi was such a wonderful companion in the process, bringing empathy and humour every step of the way. I am so much happier and more effective as a result. I will always be so grateful to Naomi for her work and recommend her highly. She is a wonderful practitioner.”
Alison Sayers – Management Consultant
Alison Sayers – Management Consultant
“I was surprised at how rapidly Naomi was able to identify and relieve patterns of tension. This relieved chronic lower back pain from which I had suffered for years. I have found this to be a rapid and pragmatic process which focuses on the body but has surprisingly positive psychological effects too. The sooner it becomes widely accepted and practised, the better for all of us."
David Young - CEO of a specialist investment banking firm
David Young - CEO of a specialist investment banking firm
“Naomi's sessions came highly recommended to me as something that had to be experienced. I had an old knee injury which no other treatment had been able to remedy and now is in the process of healing. Naomi is incredibly skilled and insightful in the way she understands the connection between the emotional and physical body and her Grinberg practice is an amazing blend of the two, leading to truly profound results.”
Kate Reid – Cinematographer
Kate Reid – Cinematographer

Naomi spent a life-changing year, living and working in Japan as Artist in Residence at the Center for Contemporary Art in 2003.
There she became fascinated with both 人 ‘Hito’, and the contemporary Japanese dance form 舞踏 ‘Butoh’ or ‘dance of darkness/ugliness’. Both concepts remain strongly with her, and are recurring themes throughout her work.
Somatic comes from the Greek word ‘soma’ meaning the ‘living intelligence of the body, aware, unified’.
Naomi first began developing this theme during her MA in Anthropology and Art in the USA. She later studied Somatic Coaching in Switzerland, and established a coaching practice in Harley Street, London.
In 2013 she also completed a Management Consulting programme with EPOC, the European Partnership of Organisation Consulting, working with Conflict Resolution and Mediation.
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